After having played 18 years (1987-2005) of competition chess, it's hard to just let it go, so it's with no surprise that I felt it calling again...
Now I live in a much smaller place than my hometown. Galway, on the west coast of Ireland, only has 70000 inhabitants, despite being Ireland's 3rd biggest city. There is nevertheless a Chess club that I recently visited for the first time... and back to the world of Chess I returned! I met great people, played a few games, and even managed a 2nd spot on a rapid chess tournament. Guess I haven't forgotten everything, heh?!
But of course you, gentle reader, want to know more about the games themselves, so here's a position I remember well, from my only defeat, playing black vs Zaidan Zulkipli. I played the opening very passively and my opponent punished me accurately, as we reached this position:

I haven't analyzed this position throughly, but I played the interesting 1...Rae8!? here, trying to expose white's weakness on the e column. The game proceeded:
2. Rg3 Qf5?! (pretty sure 2...Qh6 was better)
3. Rg5! Qxe4? (despair in time trouble)
4. Qxe4 Kd7
5. Re5 dxe5
6. dxe5? (6. f5! or 6.0-0-0!) h5? (6...Rxe5 7.Qxe5 Re8 might still give some chances on a blitz game...)
7. 0-0-0 and I lost soon after.
It seems a difficult but nevertheless interesting position. Can you see something better for black?
Anyway, the club championships start today, 3h games, and I've been preparing my openings, almost like in the old days! A report from that match will follow soon.
Glad to be back "on board" !

Pedro Quaresma - Viriatovitch Chess

Caro, Pedro:
ResponderEliminarBem-vindo de volta ao Viriatovitch Chess e ao xadrez de competição.
O meu falecido pai sempre me disse que "O caminho faz-se caminhando" e para isso é preciso coragem e determinação.
Agradeço, que tenhas começado a postar em inglês.
Assim, será possivel chegar a um publico em média mais conhecedor do jogo de xadrez.
Aliás, o mesmo aconteceria se fossem aqui publicados artigos em francês, holandês, alemão, chinês, castelhano, catalão...
Que me desculpem os xadrezistas brasileiros por este desabafo dirigido ao "povo socrático", maioritariamente imbecil por natureza.